All is the greatest challenge of the natural givers' personality to extend enormous amounts of energy in an effort to be all things to all people. This week has been a whirlwind of sorts. This farmgirl is grateful for seasons and the lessons learned once they pass. Looking towards this weekend grateful that seasons change and hopeful that this weekend will be restful. Ending my week knowing that I am enough. My super cute tee from @everyella says {she is a girl of wonder, dancing with endless possibility. She may not change the world; but damn it, she will try.} ❤️❤️ #theshepherdessheart #everydayfarmgirl #everyella #everydaycanvasgirl #goldiefoeva #iamenough #youbelong #risingtidesociety #beyou #liveauthentic #societyletters #theeverygirl
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