Hello loves🙋🏻 I was looking at my IG feed thinking....I wonder if people wonder what's going on here😜 it may seem conflicting when you see my farm life collide with canvas life but I am both #everydayfarmgirl & #everydaycanvasgirl I juggle my family along with my hobby farm and running @canvas_hq I thought I'd take a second to share with you how I spend my days❤️ if you call, email, live chat and order from #CanvasHQ then I will be the one to serve you! I spend my days with customer care, proofing orders, working graphics, handling the printer and packaging up your canvases with love at the end of the day. I am so honored to be able to work with world class photographers, amazing artist as well as designers. One of my very favorites is @_simplyjenna seriously #ilovejennaeveryday she is so talented and her home is decorated with such warmth and love❤️ we decided to offer this canvas of hers to all those interested for 1/2OFF WITH FREE shipping🎉 If you head over to @canvas_hq and click the link in the bio you will be taken directly to the product page❤️ #everydayisanewcanvas #canvas #simplyjenna #interiordesign #fscottfitzgerald #bosslady #bossbabe #bossbabi #staybossy #youareenough #youbelong #keepinitreal ❤️
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